Market Street United Methodist Church
The Heart of Winchester
Visit Us!
131 S. Cameron St. Winchester, VA 22601
ALL are welcome here!
Sunday Worship at 10:30 am
Join us in person or online at Facebook Live (facebook.com/marketstreetumc) or YouTube
We'd love for you to join us in Worship!
10:30 Service
Our Sunday Service includes the time of prayer, children's moment and Chancel Choir anthem.
1st Sunday - Communion Sunday
On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Other Special Worship Services
Ash Wednesday Worship --- 7:00 pm
An evening service to start the season of Lent. Imposition of Ashes.
Palm Sunday Celebration at Old Town
Several downtown churches come together at the walking mall to celebrate Palm Sunday and
mark the beginning of the Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday Worship --- 7:00 pm
An evening worship service the Thursday before Easter. Holy Communion is celebrated.
Community Good Friday Worship
An evening worship to remember suffering and crucifixion of our Lord.
Easter Morning Worship (Time is To Be Announced)
Highlights of the Christian year, when we lift our voices in joyful praise, celebrating our eternal life
in Jesus Christ!
Christmas Eve Worship Service - 7:00 pm